8,007 research outputs found

    Principal 22-Blocks and Sylow 22-Subgroups

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    Let GG be a finite group with Sylow 22-subgroup PGP \leqslant G. Navarro-Tiep-Vallejo have conjectured that the principal 22-block of NG(P)N_G(P) contains exactly one irreducible Brauer character if and only if all odd-degree ordinary irreducible characters in the principal 22-block of GG are fixed by a certain Galois automorphism σGal(QG/Q)\sigma \in \mathrm{Gal}(\mathbb{Q}_{|G|}/\mathbb{Q}). Recent work of Navarro-Vallejo has reduced this conjecture to a problem about finite simple groups. We show that their conjecture holds for all finite simple groups, thus establishing the conjecture for all finite groups.Comment: 12 page

    The Fundamental Plane of Galaxy Clusters

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    Velocity dispersion σ\sigma, radius RR and luminosity LL of elliptical galaxies are known to be related, leaving only two degrees of freedom and defining the so-called ``fundamental plane". In this {\em Letter} we present observational evidence that rich galaxy clusters exhibit a similar behaviour. Assuming a relation LRασ2βL \propto R^{\alpha}\sigma^{2 \beta}, the best-fit values of α\alpha and β\beta are very close to those defined by galaxies. The dispersion of this relation is lower than 10 percent, i.e. significantly smaller than the dispersion observed in the LσL-\sigma and LRL-R relations. We briefly suggest some possible implications on the spread of formation times of objects and on peculiar velocities of galaxy clusters.Comment: 11pp., 4 figures (available on request), LaTeX, BAP-04-1993-015-OA

    On the arithmetic of Krull monoids with infinite cyclic class group

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    Let HH be a Krull monoid with infinite cyclic class group GG and let GPGG_P \subset G denote the set of classes containing prime divisors. We study under which conditions on GPG_P some of the main finiteness properties of factorization theory--such as local tameness, the finiteness and rationality of the elasticity, the structure theorem for sets of lengths, the finiteness of the catenary degree, and the existence of monotone and of near monotone chains of factorizations--hold in HH. In many cases, we derive explicit characterizations

    Scaling in Gravitational Clustering, 2D and 3D Dynamics

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    Perturbation Theory (PT) applied to a cosmological density field with Gaussian initial fluctuations suggests a specific hierarchy for the correlation functions when the variance is small. In particular quantitative predictions have been made for the moments and the shape of the one-point probability distribution function (PDF) of the top-hat smoothed density. In this paper we perform a series of systematic checks of these predictions against N-body computations both in 2D and 3D with a wide range of featureless power spectra. In agreement with previous studies, we found that the reconstructed PDF-s work remarkably well down to very low probabilities, even when the variance approaches unity. Our results for 2D reproduce the features for the 3D dynamics. In particular we found that the PT predictions are more accurate for spectra with less power on small scales. The nonlinear regime has been explored with various tools, PDF-s, moments and Void Probability Function (VPF). These studies have been done with unprecedented dynamical range, especially for the 2D case, allowing in particular more robust determinations of the asymptotic behaviour of the VPF. We have also introduced a new method to determine the moments based on the factorial moments. Results using this method and taking into account the finite volume effects are presented.Comment: 13 pages, Latex file, 9 Postscript Figure

    Investigation of peak shapes in the MIBETA experiment calibrations

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    In calorimetric neutrino mass experiments, where the shape of a beta decay spectrum has to be precisely measured, the understanding of the detector response function is a fundamental issue. In the MIBETA neutrino mass experiment, the X-ray lines measured with external sources did not have Gaussian shapes, but exhibited a pronounced shoulder towards lower energies. If this shoulder were a general feature of the detector response function, it would distort the beta decay spectrum and thus mimic a non-zero neutrino mass. An investigation was performed to understand the origin of the shoulder and its potential influence on the beta spectrum. First, the peaks were fitted with an analytic function in order to determine quantitatively the amount of events contributing to the shoulder, also depending on the energy of the calibration X-rays. In a second step, Montecarlo simulations were performed to reproduce the experimental spectrum and to understand the origin of its shape. We conclude that at least part of the observed shoulder can be attributed to a surface effect

    Design and fabrication of a radiative actively cooled honeycomb sandwich structural panel for a hypersonic aircraft

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    The panel assembly consisted of an external thermal protection system (metallic heat shields and insulation blankets) and an aluminum honeycomb structure. The structure was cooled to temperature 442K (300 F) by circulating a 60/40 mass solution of ethylene glycol and water through dee shaped coolant tubes nested in the honeycomb and adhesively bonded to the outer skin. Rene'41 heat shields were designed to sustain 5000 cycles of a uniform pressure of + or - 6.89kPa (+ or - 1.0 psi) and aerodynamic heating conditions equivalent to 136 kW sq m (12 Btu sq ft sec) to a 422K (300 F) surface temperature. High temperature flexible insulation blankets were encased in stainless steel foil to protect them from moisture and other potential contaminates. The aluminum actively cooled honeycomb sandwich structural panel was designed to sustain 5000 cycles of cyclic in-plane loading of + or - 210 kN/m (+ or - 1200 lbf/in.) combined with a uniform panel pressure of + or - 6.89 kPa (?1.0 psi)